Build for the next century,
not just the next cycle.

Who we are

Token Dynamics is a mission-driven team of the best minds in tokenomics, supporting protocols that view censorship-resistance as a core function. 

We design mechanisms for privacy and infrastructure protocols which make them useful, valuable, and secure – the three principles of tokenomics.

We exist to support protocols which enable freedom for all, making them robust and antifragile through demand-side tokenomics.

What we do


Build immutable protocols – hyperstructures which are scalable, permissionless, and censorship-resistant

Tokenomics optimization

Use demand-side tokenomics to align the value of your token with the use of your protocol

Economic security

Stress test your protocol to make sure it can handle any market conditions, ensuring incentive compatibility

  • Use demand-side tokenomics to generate sustainable demand for your token
  • Support your token’s price by maximizing its use in the protocol
  • Control for supply shocks, emmissions, and volatile markets
  • Formulate an optimal token allocation and distribution strategy

Optimize the supply and demand of your token.

Align the incentives in your protocol to make it self-sustaining.

  • Design your token economy so the protocol sustains itself
  • Fine-tune the risk parameters of your protocol
  • Prevent economic exploits which would collapse the protocol
  • Eliminate price dependencies in the protocol design so that it is robust to any market conditions

Design the ideal version of your protocol.

  • Maximize the value created by your protocol
  • Identify incentives of your protocol’s users and design the protocol to reward certain behaviors
  • Synchronize multiple user groups to increase your protocol’s total addressable market
  • Include additional participants in your protocol who provide value to your essential users